NFL Classifieds- Buy-Sell-Trade Caps, Helmets, T-shirts, Jerseys, Autographs, NFL Football Memorabilia , Bobble Heads, Trading Cards, NFL Footballs.
NFLClassifieds is a FREE Classified Listings Blog, created Exclusively for NFL Football fans Searching, Buying, and Selling, NFL Football memorabilia.
NFL Classifieds is supported by the Google Ads you see around our site, and they are Key in keeping NFLClassifieds, FREE!
Although, the Google Ads also provide our readers and subscribers with an Added source for locating the Perfect Autographed NFL Football, Jersey, Helmet, and many other NFL Football memorabilia items. So PLEASE, if you cannot find what you are looking for on our site, "use" the Google Ads to find it somewhere else.
We have even provided a Google Search feature to help you find your item.
In deed, NFL Classifieds has been specifically structured to aid NFL Football memorabilia fans and sellers, to accomplish their goal of either buying or selling NFL Football memorabilia.
However, other than providing "blog (Ad) space", and even blog (Want Ad) space; NFLClassifieds is in no way associated, nor affiliated with, any sellers, buyers, or manufacturers of NFL merchandise.
Nor are we in any way affiliated or associate with, the NFL,, NFLStore, or NFLAuctions. (Although we do "blog about" any, NFLStore, and NFLAuction merchandise, and/or memorabilia, those organizations offer, or may offer, for sale or auction.)
We also blog about memorabilia that we find on other sites (such as Ebay), but are in no way associated with those sites, unless otherwise stated.
And of course, from time to time we will blog about NFL News from around the blogosphere including news from Digg, the NFL,, YahooNews, GoogleNews, and other news agencies.
All in all NFLClassifieds was designed for You, the user.
Note however, that we are in our infancy. And as we are adding new features of "search and display" as fast as we can, we are always open for suggestions, and in need of patience.
Friday, August 22, 2008
NFL Classifieds- Buy-Sell- Caps, Helmets, T-shirts, Jerseys, Autographs, NFL Football Memorabilia , Bobble Heads, Trading Cards, NFL Footballs,
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Comic Book Listings Blog!
I am The Bargain Hunter!
I collect Comic Books, all kinds of Memorabilia, and your basic household junk. Of course, I can't really afford to Buy Everything I find. And so I started The Comic Book Listings Blog!
The Comic Book Listings Blog features both "User and Hand-Picked" Classified Comic Book Listings, Movies, Memorabilia, and News articles. You can even Post Your Comic Book Listing! FREE!!! via Email!
Comic Book Listings also provides "The Comic Book Store" which was designed and Painstakingly Stocked, with every Comic Book Related thing, that has to offer.
All items have been Re-Classified, and Re-Categorized, to make shopping for Comic Book related items Much Easier, and Faster, than Endlessly searching for Comic Book related products on itself.
In deed, all you need to do is "click" on a category, and everything that has that is Comic Book related -in that category- will appear right before your eyes.
Got Comics?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Wheels with Ed Wallace and Inside Automotive!
Inside Automotive
Folks, allow me to break for a moment from the typical CLB tradition of listing Listings, to tell you about a man, his website, and a Radio Talk Show that you just Have to listen to BEFORE you buy your next car.
Scratch that! You have got to listen to this man's radio show,
even if you are Not looking to buy a car.
Why? Because it is More than just Car Talk.
Ed Wallace, is the host of a radio talk show called, "Wheels".
It is aired every Saturday morning, from 8am-1pm,
on Klif 570AM radio in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.
It IS, (in my opinion as I sure it will be yours too), the best automotive talk show in north Texas and most likely in America.
"Mr. Wallace", (though he would have you call him Ed),
has a well above average knowledge of the automotive industry, management and of car manufacturers, new and used vehicles, and governmental issues facing the American public.
But Ed is also a historian,
and he does a segment each Saturday which he calls;
"The Backside of American History".
Now folks, I want you to know,
that this segment of his show is Absolutely Fascinating!
He is well worth listening to,
and "The Backside of American History" is just as it is billed on Wheels:
"Things you didn't learn in school"
Well, maybe we would have learned these things in school "if", they would have interested us. But let's face it, teachers aren't really teachers, their employees waiting for payday so they can go out, and get away from all us kids. But, I digress.
Truth is "I Love this show". Ed Wallace is more like a Story teller, than a teacher. And should you decide to listen to his show, his "The Backside of American History" segment, airs at about 9:30am. But I urge you, to listen to his show from the start (8:00am) as he delivers the week's news in review. It is in this segment, that that which we've been hearing all week, begins to make since.
Again, it's "Wheels" with Ed Wallace, Saturday mornings from 8am-1pm on Klif 570AM radio in Dallas Texas. (1700 AM in the Sherman & Denison TX)
We now return you to your regularly scheduled ClassifiedListingBlog!
- Inside Automotive (Ed's website)
- Klif 570AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
How to Blog Your Blog!
is currently offering the opportunity for you to
"Spread the Word about Your blog"!
And spread the word,
without so much as even having to register.
That's right!
No Fees,
No Hassles, and
No Registration!
So what's the catch? Well, None really.
Except that,
you Must display the "Blog-Your-Blog" link, somewhere on your website or blog. To do that, copy and paste the code below into your blog/website's template.
(Note the that the code above is a simple text link.)
NEXT, on your Own blog or website, create and post an article describing your blog, and why people should visit it. You may include "thumbnails" if you like, but PLEASE, No Porn, and NO pictures over 400 pixels wide.
NEXT, click the "Blog-Your-Blog FREE! via Email" button in the sidebar, OR, Open your favorite email client/application/program and Note, that the following method "WORKS" when using Microsoft's Outlook Express email, but that I have Not Tested any other email application. If you have any problems using your email client. you may contact us using the "Contact Us" email link in the sidebar.
NEXT, copy and paste;
" UserPosted.Blog-Your-Blog {AT} ",
into the "To:" field of your email.
Be Sure to Remove the "{AT}",
and Replace it with "@".
- Type the "Title" of your Post (or blog), into the "Subject" field.
- Copy and Paste the post you made on Your blog, into the body of your email.
Now Click "SEND"!!!
Example: (Click pics to enlarge.)
Copy text, and or images, from your blog;
Then Paste into the body of your email.
You See? It's really Very Easy!
No fuss, no muss. And if you have any problems, just click the "Contact us" link in the sidebar.
There is one thing you should know about however...
- ///////------- IMAGE WIDTHS -------///////
The Maximun Width for Images and/or Videos is "400 pixels".
I may expand the maximum width later, but for now, any post that uses images or videos larger than 400 pixels, will be deleted.
Other than that,
You are now ready to do a "TEST POST".
Click the BYB via email link in the sidebar, and then;
To: Blog-Your-Blog
Subject: Test (or Testing 1 2 3, or whatever)
Body: Test
SEND! Then View.
Note: that any time you post via email to BYB,
your post will be signed;
"Posted by User Posted".
In other words, your Anonymity is Protected, and no one will ever know you have posted to this blog. If you do not tell them that is.
Also note that I will delete your Test Post for you, whenever I get "a Round to-it".
That's IT!!! It's Over!!! Lesson Complete!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Blog Your Blog!
is currently offering the opportunity for you to
"Spread the Word about Your blog"!
And spread the word,
without so much as even having to register.
That's right!
No Fees,
No Hassles, and
No Registration!
So what's the catch? Well, None really.
Except that, you Must display the "Blog-Your-Blog" link, somewhere on your website/blog. To do that, copy and paste the code below into your blog/website's template.

Note the that the code above is a simple text link.
ALSO; and this is for Your convenience;
Click on the Blog-Your-Blog (button-image) email link in the sidebar of this page. That will Open your default email application, where you can then Add Blog-Your-Blog's email address to your Address Book! (note: Blog-Your-Blog's email address will already be in the "TO:" field of your email.)
If you do Not have java-script enabled for your browser,
then you will have to copy-n-paste
into your address book.
But Remember!
You Must remove the "<#>" and replace it with the @.
Ok, now that you have Blog-Your-Blog in your address book, your probably wondering, "Why did I just put that blog's email address in my address book?"
Here's, "why"!
After you have published an article to your blog, you just naturally go check it out to make sure it looks ok. While viewing your newly posted article, you will then be able to Open your email application and...
- Copy and Paste the "Title" of your article into the "Subject" field of your email.
- Copy and Paste an "Except" from your post into the "Body" field of your email.
- Then Click "SEND"!
Your email will be Posted Immediately! Which brings us to the only problem that I can think of in promoting your blog this way. And that is, You will Not be able to Edit your Post!
So if you screw it up, you will just have to make another post.
You Can, however, leave a Comment to your screwed-up post (just as you would leave a comment on any other post), and I will Delete it for you. Although, you Could/Can just leave both articles. I mean, I don't care if you don't care.
Also; "Blog-Your-Blog" displays Google Adsense advertising to cover the cost of Maintaining this blog. But at No Time will you ever be charged for advertising your blog, at "Blog-Your-Blog".
In fact, since Blog-Your-Blog is a Free "blogspot" blog, there will never be any need to charge for advertising as long as, your Ad is in the form of a "normal blog post entry".
Advertising elsewhere on this blog, however, such as in the sidebar, header, or footer; is bird of a different feather. And fees for those advertising spots, will be quoted upon request. (Though we expect to produce a schedule soon.)
In the Long run, this blog was created specifically to give New Bloggers (and old bloggers alike), an avenue through which not only may they (you) List your blog, but Blog About Your Blog, as well.
Write Full Page articles detailing everything you want your prospective reader to know about your blog. Describe your blog's History, Purpose, Design, Categories, Target Audience, or whatever you like and think, will get you the Most Hits from our blog to your blog. You can even publish LISTS of articles on your blog, along with descriptions of each. The point is, it's up to you just how far your willing to go to promote your blog.
And since we do not regulate the number of post you can make, you can even mount an Ad Campaign whereby you can, and may, post a new article about your blog once, twice, or even three times a week. Or even in a single day, if you've got that much time. But at ANY rate, you can Advertise your blog as much as you like, as often as you like, for free! And Your not going to find a better offer than that, Anywhere!
Got a new post on you blog? Advertise it! Let people know that your new (or old) article is the one they should be reading. In deed, you may want to blog about each new article you post on your site.
Note that your email will be posted immediately! So Keep it Clean, as I do not want to have to moderate your post. Or even Ban you for posting porn or other offensive material.
Ok, enough is enough! Time to start Blogging your blog.
OH! There is one more "little" thing.
Unfortunately, Pictures, Captures, Videos, jpgs, gifs, Can Not be sent via email. You can however, Hot Link to them as long as, there is no copyright to contend with, and, you own the website to which your images are Hot Linked. That does mean that you will have to edit the HTML of your email, and if you need to know how to do that, Click Here!
But again,
Do Not Include Pictures in yours emails!
Now let's get started!
First, a Test!
Since you should have already installed the BYB email address into your email client, go ahead and create an email with "Test" in the "Subject" field, and "Test" in the "Body" field, and click "Send".
Now Reload (Refresh) the BLog-Your-Blog Homepage!
Your blog post "Test", should already be posted.
Now, Blog-Your-Blog!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Blog Your Blog, Blog, Coming SOON!!!
Blog Your Blog!
Simply click the Blog Your Blog Free via Email link in the sidebar and, start blogging.

